The unspoken I About unconscious discrimination Dance/photo/film,textile and sculpture 2015 What happens in that moment in a tenth of a second when you meet what is foreign and different. How do someone express the unconscious that doesn’t allow youth touch it but...
The inner human 2010 Life events between suffering and hope. What do we fill our lives with and what do we choose to carry with us? Every garment carry a story. Photography: Lennat Sjöberg – Gothenburg Model: Amanda...
Experiment with material and forms: 1990’s To mix different material disrespectful, like shiny silver and soft rubber, brushed brass, metal buckles, titanium sticks and sheerest chiffon was a matter of course. Photography: Madelien Söder Model: Isabell Silver work:...
Fashion 2001-2003 Photography: Lennat Sjöberg –...
Millenium 2000 An exciting time. A new century. Spinnaker, rubber, cotton, microfiber and silklace. Photography: Lennat Sjöberg –...